Cant fix display driver crash too many registry errors
Cant fix display driver crash too many registry errors

cant fix display driver crash too many registry errors

It will give some specular approximation. Bake in Dominant Direction or SH mode and use Bakery shaders with "Lightmapped specular" option.Use mixed lights and only bake GI/ Shadowmasks.Now the lighting is baked into static textures and there is no specular. I can't see specular lighting after the bakeĪpparently specular lighting was provided by real-time lights before the bake. If you're on 5.6, go to Window->Lighting->Mixed Lighting->Lighting Mode to switch the mode.To switch between two modes, you can use "Distance Shadowmask" checkbox in Bakery main window.You're in Distance Shadowmask mode, it's expected. Shadowmasks are baked, but Unity renders real-time shadows instead Masked Bakery light components have "Baked contribution" set to "Indirect and shadowmask".Masked lights have both Unity and Bakery light components on them.Bakery's Render Mode is set to Shadowmask.33 Soft shadows appear like multiple hard shadows.32 I get a "Can't create vertex buffer" error.using Mesh Combine asset) bake incorrectly 30 Baking any scene crashes with unknown error.28 Denoiser produces grid-like patterns.24 Baking produces "Not allowed to access uv2" errors.23 Light probes are too bright in Subtractive mode.22 Denoiser produces bright edges around geometry/shadows.21 "Adjusting UV padding" happens too often and takes too much time.20 HDRI produces scattered bright spots (fireflies).19 Speedtrees look fine in the editor, but black in builds.18 Baked prefabs instantiated at runtime in a build have no lightmaps.17 Stuck at "Waiting for Unity to initialize the probes.".16 "Exporting scene - preparing" is taking too long.13 I have an Android project, and lightmaps don't look good.10 After importing Bakery I get errors containing “obsolete” and “UnityUpgradable”.9 I get a “Can't create texture” or "Can't create rasterizer state" error.6 Denoiser throws error 505 or Unknown error.5 Baking same asset in one scene breaks its UVs in another scene.4 Using a version control system I copied the scene to another PC and it doesn't look right.

cant fix display driver crash too many registry errors

3 I can't see specular lighting after the bake.2 Shadowmasks are baked, but Unity renders real-time shadows instead.

Cant fix display driver crash too many registry errors